Possible Topics include, but are not restricted to:
- Artificial Intelligence in Nonprofit and public organizations
- Branding in public, nonprofit, and social organizations
- Cause-related marketing and corporate social responsibility
- Circular economy, sharing economy, and green marketing
- The role of nonprofit marketing in international conflicts
- Digital marketing tools in public, nonprofit, and social marketing
- Donation behaviour and management
- Education in public and nonprofit marketing
- Global economic challenges
- Innovation and teaching experiences
- Issues related to contributions/solutions from public, nonprofit, and social areas to health and socio-economic challenges
- Marketing in transformative services (health, education, public transport, etc.)
- Cultural aspects in nonprofit marketing
- Marketing of cultural products
- Marketing of public services (education, health, public administration)
- Marketing of well-being and quality of life
- Migration challenges for nonprofit marketing
- Place marketing: branding and sustainable destination marketing
- Public, private, and social collaborations - Fourth-sector approaches
- Responsible consumption and production; fair trade
- Social businesses, social innovations, and social economy
- Subsistence Marketplaces and Sustainable Socio-economic Development
- Sustainability and responsibility issues in public, nonprofit, and social marketing
- Sustainable tourism approaches to destination and city marketing
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Value co-creation in public, nonprofit, and social fields
- Volunteer recruitment and management
- Other issues related to the Public and Nonprofit organizations